EARTHWorks Garden Center & Landscaping, LLC

Call Us Today!



In Business Since 1995


Are you looking to spruce up your business, residential front or backyard? Earthworks Garden Center & Landscaping, LLC can enhance your yard and turn it into a beautiful oasis.


Whether you want flowers planted or mulch and pine needles, we know how to do it all!


We specialize in:


 • All types of erosion control

 • Commercial services

 • Residential services

 • Fertilizer and lime

 • Shrubs

 • Trees


 • Landscaping and irrigation

 • Mulch and pine needles

 • Pavers and retaining walls

 • Seeds

 • Silt fence

 • Sodding


Since 1995, we have offered beautiful landscaping services for residential and commercial areas throughout Spartanburg and Greenville, South Carolina. Our business is family owned and operated.


We specialize in commercial and residential installs, Hydroseeding, Tucor certified (irrigation), S.C. Pesticide Control licensed and Erosion Prevention & Sediment Control Inspector certified (CEPSI), and Small Business Enterprise Certified with SCDOT.  We are fully licensed, bonded and insured. We offer competitive prices, professional services, as well as friendly, individual help.


Before/After Technology: Using a photo of your project area, we can show you a finished project — before we do the job! if you choose to use us to do the landscaping. If you choose not to use us, there would be a small fee for the design if you decide to keep it.

Earthworks Garden Center
& Landscaping, LLC

1720 Big Mulberry Trace

Campobello, SC 29322


Phone: 864-472-5088



Fax: 864-472-2975




Winter Business Hours:


8:00 a.m.— 4:00 p.m.

Saturday, By Appointment

Sunday Closed

Call Earthworks Today!   864-472-5088